This page reviews RSA course provider, Dr Ruby Training College and their RSA courses. You will get most independent reviews and ratings for Dr Ruby Training College. The provider information is coming from the course website or other websites. We will do our best to make sure the information is correct.
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Dr. Ruby Training College (the College) is developed based on the Australian new /existing Doctorate/Academic research about current job market, employment change, workplace English language, economic development and investment. The College is Registered Training Organisation, meeting AQF requirements. Our RTO has been registered under ASQA (the Australian Skills Quality Authority) since 2 July 2012 (
Our purpose is to help new skill migrants and young Australian university students finding a job in hospitality industry and other industry; also assist some onshore international students/Working Holiday people to seek a Part Time job in Australia through our short course: Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA), Prepare and Serve Espresso Coffee (Barista), Food Safety Supervisor and etc.
We are not CRICOS registration.
Chris: 0422641992
Add: Unit G6 Block 37 Section 54 Belconnen ACT 2617 (Known as Northpoint Plaza 8 Chandler Street Belconnen ACT)
is there any online RSA course available?
hi ,i just inquiry about the RSA ,how can i book ? and which day gonna be the course ? and how long does it take to get the certificate?