Responsible Service of Alcohol Certificate

Welcome to RSA ( Responsible Alcohol Service) Online Guide ! Your best online guide beyond RSA certification. What this website can do for you: 1.Find all the cheapest RSA courses online in Australia 2.Search jobs 3. Get skills and have fun!

Australian Hotels Association (WA) – RSA Course Online Review

This page reviews RSA course provider, Australian Hotels Association (WA) and their courses. The provider information is coming from the course website or other websites. We will do our best to make sure the information is correct.

For RSA course students, if  you or your friends have done any courses from this provider, please give it a rating and leave comment. That will help a lot for other people looking for a quality RSA course.

For RSA course providers, if you want to modify the information provided here, please contact us and we will change it as soon as possible.


As the leaders of RSA and liquor training, the AHA(WA) ensures you learn the latest up-to-date course material. RSA Training is mandatory for all staff involved in the sale, service or supply of liquor. The AHA Responsible Service of Alcohol (SITHFAB009A) course is nationally accredited and a unit from the National Training Package.

In addition to the RSA course we provide a free Service with a Smile customer service course as well as the approved managers course for licensees and managers. For more information, click here.


38 Parliament Place
West Perth, WA 6005

Postal Address
PO Box 660
West Perth, WA 6872

Training Enquiries: (08) 9321 7701

All other enquiries: (08) 9321 7701
Fax: (08) 9321 7730

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